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"Back to Bawa"
A Personal  Invitation to Participate in the
Instructions Project on How to Conduct the Fellowship

As salaamu ‘alaikum, my dear sisters and brothers.
May the Peace of God be always with you. Ameen.

    As time moves on and as our time here grows shorter, there is always more and more duty to be done.  For years now since the passing of our Father in 1986, many of us have been reflecting on the future of this  worldwide Fellowship Family he established. Each in our own way, we have been preparing for the next  generations of Bawa’s children — “those yet to come” he calls them — to carry on the work he began with us.

    On your behalf as the leaders and on behalf of all the Fellowships, Sufi Study Circles and Branches,  we have begun compiling and circulating Bawa’s Instructions on how he expects us to conduct his Fellowship — now and in the future. When ready, study copies of these are being made available for your use upon request, with permission from the Executive Secretary of the main Fellowship in Philadelphia. Many of Bawa’s Instructions have not been heard, read or even referred to since the day he gave them to us. They were recorded, typed, filed and put into the Archives. Often after Bawa would give such Instructions — especially after talks with officers and branch leaders — he would say, “Send this out to all the Branches.”  Then all his appointed leaders everywhere would get the same Instructions directly from him. That was then. What about now? How often today do we even think of turning to these archived Instructions for guidance?

    The more we research the Instructions Bawa left with us, the more we may hear him calling us to come back —  back to listen, read, study, reflect upon, discuss and follow the timeless guidance he gave us in earlier days. The more we strive to heed Bawa’s call, the further it leads us and the more there is to research and study. It is with great respect for this call from Bawa that we are calling this research/study project “Back to Bawa.”

   Would you or others in your Fellowship, Sufi Study Circle or Branch be interested in joining this endeavor? All who hear Bawa’s call are most welcome to take part in whatever ways they can. The main work is to listen carefully to his original words, take them into our hearts, then act according to them in the ways he directs.

   Whether we are leading a meeting or speaking, whether we are guiding those who do duty or seeking support from people who wish to help in some way, whether we are fully engaged in the many duties of leadership or are becoming watchful for those who may eventually succeed us — whatever may be — we know our Father, M. R. Bawa  Muhaiyaddeen is always here with us, guiding our thoughts, words, qualities, actions, decisions — and calling us back to him.

   May we heed this call of  Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) to us today. Ameen.
May we follow close behind him, listen to his words and do as he directs. Ameen. May God bless all our efforts as children of Bawa Muhaiyadddeen serving on his behalf. Ameen.


   Anbu always from your brother,

Patrick Andrews, General Secretary,

Fellowship Branch Council International

Bawa’s Instructions Discourses:


Fellowship Branch Council Discourses

The primary guidance of M. R. Bawa  Muhaiyaddeen ؓ  to the Fellowships, Branches, and Study Circles is available at this link: Fellowship Branch Council Discourses of M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen.

M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
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